Encouragement on how life's trials and struggles can lead to the transformation that will shape your heart to be more like Christ, bring greater joy, and usher in the fulfillment you crave.
3 Questions to Ask If You Want a Deeper Relationship With God
I sit by the sliding glass and force myself to stay for ten minutes of silence and semi-solitude. I’ve been sitting by this glass intermittently for several years now, trying to incorporate rhythms that will teach me how to have a deeper relationship with God. Most of the time, nothing spectacular happens by this window. I watch the poplar leaves wave mitten-like hands at the dawn. The slow fade of verdant wildflower fields captivates me as summer slips into the cool days of autumn. The Psalms help me lift my eyes to the work of God’s hands. This particular morning, I’m met with a surprise out the window. A grey…
How to Grow in Faith: 5 Things You Can’t Take With You on the Journey
I sit beneath a salmon sunset and tell God I want to go deeper with him. A certain pattern of behavior comes to mind, but I dismiss it quickly. I want to learn how to grow in faith, but I’m not willing to let go of the habits holding me back. Maybe you can relate. You know how it feels to ask God what he wants you to surrender into his hands, only to butt up against a bad habit you don’t really want to release just yet. I sit with my desires as the coral-streaked sky fades to inky black night. Ultimately, when it’s time to return home and…
Feeling Discouraged? This Is for You . . .
A vase of salmon-colored zinnias rests on the dining room table. I stare at it through tear-filled eyes, feeling discouraged by the grind of life. On one level, admitting to the discouragement feels like ingratitude. I have a life many women envy. I’m able to work part-time from home and spend most of my days caring for our three children. On a different level, this work feels like a cycle of 15 tasks that will never, ever end. I wonder if I’m making an impact on the world, and this work feels too hard, too humble. No matter where you spend your long days, you probably know about hard and…
14 Free Devotional Books to Help You Grow With God
Are you ready to develop a deeper, life-giving relationship with God? My vision is to provide tools to help you encounter him. For this reason, I have compiled a list of free devotional books to help you draw close to God’s heart. The first three books on this list are free as eBooks with the Kindle Unlimited plan (you can sign up for a free three-month trial if you do not have the plan) and also available to purchase in print. The remainder of the list is available to download for free with just one click. No plan is required. I pray these books help you connect with the tender…
A Surprising Reason You Might Feel Spiritually Stagnant
Winter wind washes the outside world with white, and the fields once so luxuriant with farmers’ crops are pale with sleep. I remember the sun-splashed fields of goldenrod as I read beside the window. Like this sleeping world, something inside me feels spiritually stagnant today. I want to be vibrant and faith-filled, but we’ve shifted into a season of simply trying to put one foot in front of the other with each passing day. Awakening Our Spiritually Stagnant Souls I’m reading Dr. Robert Mullholland’s book, Invitation to a Journey, as I sit by the window. He makes a point that catches my attention: Some of us feel spiritually stagnant because we…
God, Lead Me in the Right Direction: 9 Prayers for Guidance
I recently drove ten minutes to the North Country Trail for an hour of hiking beneath the naked arms of the hardwoods. As I walked, I considered my life, my daily rhythms, and the state of my soul. “God, lead me in the right direction in my life,” I prayed. Every few months, I slip away to talk to God about the direction of my life. Mostly, I want the assurance that I’m walking according to God’s plans. Perhaps you need this space, too. Today, we’ll talk about how to find God’s direction and the importance of seeking his guidance. God, Lead Me in the Right Direction We all need…
5 Prayers for God’s Guidance in Uncertain Times
Snow falls like a quiet kind of awakening, and when I listen closely, I can hear the heavy flakes gathering. I stand among the beech leaves as they cling to finger-like branches, waving at the dusk like these chilling grey days are not only expected but welcomed. As I listen to the leaves rustle, I begin praying prayers for God’s guidance into the next season. I invite you to join me as I sort through my thoughts in the woods. Afterward, I’ll share five prayers for God’s guidance. 5 Prayers for God’s Guidance On this dusky evening, snow falling like anything but grace from the ever-grey sky, I’m here in…
How to Be Thankful to God Even When Life Is Hard
It’s a quiet Wednesday evening, and I return home with a truckload of groceries to find an empty house. I have no idea that the evening is about to be a lesson on how to be thankful to God even when life is challenging. After stowing the food in the cupboards, I slip to the deck and discover my family playing in the backyard. They are laughing, wrestling, and chasing the beagles across the wilted wildflower fields. Standing on the deck unnoticed feels like a rare invitation to step back and truly see the big picture of my life from afar. I’m sure other moms can relate: Somehow, the kids…
How to Find Freedom From Your Secret Sins
A hint of frost rests on the once-lavender heads of the Canada thistle today. I sit at the window with intentions to soak in God’s restorative presence, but what settles upon me sends a chill down the nape of my neck, like frost on a clear winter dawn. The chill is my body’s response to the reality that the secret sins of my life are not hidden from the One who paints the dawn with shimmering ice. Most of us have secret sins. We want to find freedom, but we feel stuck, and we’re not sure what to do about it. Feeling Bound by Our Secret Sins Perhaps a certain…
How to Savor Life and Find Deeper Joy in the Ordinary
I take my bike to the open road at the end of a too-long day just to feel the air brush up against my skin. I want the breeze to carry my cares across the hay fields, where they might get lost and tangled in the dormant silage stubble. I’m not pondering how to savor life as I speed down the road; mostly, I’m embracing how good it feels to take a break from the chaos of our energy-filled home. I’m three miles into my 12-mile route when I see it. There’s a balloon flogging in the wind, tied to a small headstone in the little country cemetery. It reads,…