8 Encouraging Bible Verses About Overcoming Adversity
Are you facing a difficult time or walking through a challenging season in your life? Today, we’ll explore eight Bible verses about overcoming adversity as we align ourselves with God’s perspective. Let’s start with a conversation about embracing adversity instead of running from it. Bible Verses About Overcoming Adversity I take the boys to the woods on an almost spring morning. The skunk cabbage is rising through the muddied earth like a foretaste of the vibrant life soon to fill this wooded valley. Caleb’s seven-year-old legs have grown long and lean over the past year, and he hardly complains when we walk together now. As we hike, I remember when…
Why Jesus Is My Hope—Even in My Disappointment
As the season changes here, I’ve been intermittently looking back and looking ahead. I’m reminding myself of one truth: Jesus is my hope for the future, and he is my hope in the face of my deepest disappointments. I don’t know what your past season looked like. Maybe you put everything you had into your career, and there’s still no fruit to be seen. Maybe you lost the job you loved. You might have had goals for your finances, your waistline, your marriage, or your ministry. Maybe some of these areas are worse off now than they were when you had all that hope. Even worse, you might have achieved…
“Has God Abandoned Me?” (3 Promises From God)
I sit in the canyon where the granite is ribboned with a thousand shades of earthy beige. I’ve come to this canyon to find answers and seek direction for my life. Feeling alone and uncertain, I whisper painful words to the wild Wyoming sky: “Has God abandoned me?” I’ve endured some rough years, and I can’t help but wonder what God thinks about my life. Is he looking at me with folded arms and a disappointed scowl on his face? Is he rolling his eyes and writing me off? I surely deserve to be written off. I’ve been living for myself and not for him. And here in this valley,…
Feeling Discouraged? This Is for You . . .
A vase of salmon-colored zinnias rests on the dining room table. I stare at it through tear-filled eyes, feeling discouraged by the grind of life. On one level, admitting to the discouragement feels like ingratitude. I have a life many women envy. I’m able to work part-time from home and spend most of my days caring for our three children. On a different level, this work feels like a cycle of 15 tasks that will never, ever end. I wonder if I’m making an impact on the world, and this work feels too hard, too humble. No matter where you spend your long days, you probably know about hard and…
10 Bible Verses About Victory in Jesus
It rained last night—a penetrating, drenching rain. I sat beside the window this morning as robins pranced across the soggy earth, my heart feeling as melancholy as the grey sky above. Opening my Bible in search of Bible verses about victory in Jesus, I let the words wash over me. Bible Verses About Victory in Jesus Perhaps you could use some inspiration as you aim to rise above the cares of the world today, too. If so, let’s open God’s Word together. 10 Bible Verses About Victory in Jesus 1. 1 John5:4-5(ESV) For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has…
5 Calming Prayers for Peace of Mind
The blushing blossoms have withered and fallen from the tiny rosebush on the dining room table, quietly reminding us this place was never meant to be the wild rose’s home. I feel much the same: weary and aware that this world is not home. Staring at the shriveled bush, I utter a few prayers for peace of mind, and I come to a startling realization. I seem to expect this life to be free from trouble. All the while, the One who knit me together tells me to expect trouble. Our troubles aren’t terrible, relatively speaking. Everyone in the house succumbs to a weird virus. My bad knee flares up. Our…
A Short Prayer for Strength During Difficult Times
Have you been walking through a difficult time in your life? Today, I invite you to join me during one of the most challenging years of my life, and I’ll share a short prayer for strength during difficult times of all sorts. I pray these words lead you straight into the arms of your heavenly Father. He loves you, and he hasn’t missed a moment of the trial you are walking through. A Short Prayer for Strength During Difficult Times The oaks flaunted butterscotch hands the year suffering marked our family’s Thanksgiving celebration. I watched from my quiet place on the couch as my family pulled out of the driveway…
Trusting God in Difficult Times: 3 Powerful Insights
Raindrops hang from the picnic table like glass beads on a string. Morning has come with heavy air and an ashen sky that goads us to sleep longer. Life has consisted of one rainy day after another here. It’s been a hard season of learning about trusting God in difficult times. Perhaps you can relate. If you could use encouragement on trusting God in difficult times, you’re in the right place today. Trusting God in Difficult Times What happens when the thing you prayed would never happen becomes your reality? A friendship that was once life-giving suddenly becomes strained and difficult. You are misunderstood in an area that matters deeply…
6 Powerful Bible Verses for Times of Trouble and Grief
There are starlings at the bird feeder this morning. Larger and more aggressive than the petite chickadees and nuthatches, they’ve come to wreak havoc on our quiet little world. The squabbling birds remind me of my own current times of trouble. I’ve been stressing out over our budget and our health. We’ve wept over freshly broken earth and grieved lives taken far too soon. Perhaps you are facing trouble or grief today, too. We live in a broken world, and we all face times of trouble. Meanwhile, God offers hope for even the darkest days. He invites us to draw near to him, and he will give us the strength…
10 Refreshing Bible Verses for the Weary and Burdened
The translucent breath of heaven lingers on the morning window panes, and the burdock lifts barbed hands toward a grey sky. Sometimes this season of darkness leaves us all feeling just a little too threadbare. We crave light and warmth. If this is you today, I invite you to soak in these refreshing Bible verses for the weary and worn. 10 Bible Verses for the Weary and Burdened As I prepare my heart to walk through this season, I’m reminded of the burdens our little family faced throughout past winters. Our past few winters have been difficult. We have faced struggles that often felt beyond our strength. We have faced blustery…