God Hears Our Prayers—Even When He Seems Silent
The summer air was thick with humidity as we made our way into the wilderness. Hemlocks breathed their pungent, piney scent, and the river rolled along casually—inviting us into the clear, cool water. I had no idea this backpacking trip with a friend was about to become a lifelong reminder that God hears our prayers. We reached our campsite and erected our tent as storm clouds gathered overhead. With the invincibility of 25-year-olds, we didn’t worry about the ominous clouds and ran to the river for a swim as soon as the tent was in place. After a short swim, the thunderous clouds descended upon us, and heaven unleashed in…
Is God Mad at Me?
Smoky wisps of fog wrap their fingers through the goldenrod as I sit by the window in prayer. I’ve been distracted lately, and my thoughts have been far from God. A familiar question runs through my mind: Is God mad at me for neglecting my relationship with him? Summer days are full in these parts. I rarely find a quiet moment in this house filled with life and activity. Life has me stretched thin, and by the end of most days, I’m running on fumes. I imagine you know all about the rhythm of the ragged. Maybe you’ve felt guilty for neglecting your relationship with God, but you’re not sure…
Are You Afraid of Missing God’s Plan for Your Life?
I walk the country road at dusk—twilight folding over the path behind me like a parted sea falling back into place. I’ve been thinking about staying in step with God’s plans lately, and my heart feels bogged down by worries that I might somehow botch his plan. I wonder if you can relate. I wonder if you’ve ever felt fearful that you just might miss God’s plan for your life. You probably know how it feels to be desperate to hear from God about something important to you. You fasted and prayed and scoured your Bible in search of direction. All the while, you wondered if you might be heading…
How to “Be Still and Know That I Am God”
The shaded canopy at the trailhead fluttered to the ground, one golden leaf at a time. I was in the woods because I’d grown weary from juggling the many commitments in my life. I was desperate to quiet my soul and relearn how to “be still and know that I am God.” You probably know about the exhausting effort of juggling your commitments. Your arms grow weary, and you desperately need rest. In an attempt to rest in God’s presence, you go to a quiet place, but your mind refuses to settle. When I can’t quiet my mind, I find a few minutes to walk outside. I breathe deeply and…
Knowing Jesus: Four Ways to Go Deeper in Your Relationship
The peepers sing their sweet serenade while raindrops crackle like fire licking up a pine bough. I search the skyline for a hint of lingering daylight and breathe a prayer that God will take me deeper on this journey of knowing Jesus through experience. “What do I need to know as we prepare to head into the summer season of noise and activity?” I pray. The words of Philippians 3:8 come to mind: “What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ.” I’m…
How to See God’s Glory in Your Everyday
I’m honored to welcome my friend Emily to the blog today. She has some wonderful resources to share with you. I’ve already received mine, and these will bless you richly as you learn how to see God’s glory in your everyday spaces! Here’s Emily: ~~~ Tears streamed down my cheeks as my hands gripped the steering wheel. Heading home from Bible study, these tears came from a place of longing. Longing for what, you ask? These were tears I pulled from deep in the well of longing for more. My drive home meant about 40 minutes of cornfields, back roads and farms. Which meant it always provided space for thinking…
Life-Changing Scripture About Leaning on God in Tough Times
Dawn breaks beneath a bitter chill today. The sparrows don’t seem to mind. They chatter at the feeder while their Maker dabs the world with tufts of white lace. I watch from my spot by the window as I search for Scripture about leaning on God. Winter is beginning to wear on me, and we’ve only just begun. I have a feeling I’m going to need some strong words to carry me through the long months to come—months when leaning on God will be the secret for pressing forward. You might not be worn down today, but a time will come. A time will come when you need an anchor. …
Devotional Time Tips to Stir Your Passion for God
The windows were blotted with raindrops the morning I walked to the window and prayed, “God show me how to do devotional time with you in a way that revives me.” I sat with my Bible and prayer book, but I felt tired and apathetic. Familiar practices had grown monotonous, and it was time to breathe fresh wind into my devotional time. Reading my Bible felt more like homework than an opportunity to connect with a precious loved one. I lacked focus and desire in my prayer life. My Ignatian prayer guide was no longer leading me to meaningful encounters with God. After noticing these shifts in my soul, I embarked…
A New Year Devotional to Help You Start Strong
Do you enjoy reading from an Advent devotional throughout December? If you’re like me, you hit a wall when Christmas comes and the devotional ends. You feel a bit lost and aren’t sure what’s next. Or maybe you recently decided you’re going to start the new year by renewing your commitment to spend time with God. I have fantastic news. Throughout the past few months, I’ve worked hard to create a New Year devotional called Mornings With Jesus to help you connect with Jesus every morning for the next 31 days! Why I Wrote This New Year Devotional I spent years reading my Bible and practicing a morning devotional routine…
How to Get Close to God Again: 4 Practical Steps
I walked down the road for the sheer joy of stepping into the ivory firmament and breathing deeply today. Maybe I needed a fresh lesson on how to get close to God again. I’d been feeling distant and disconnected from him, and I hoped that time outside might help me reconnect with him. I was still within eye-shot of the house when something caught my eye. Surrounded by sleepy beige earth, a single sprig of yellow-crowned goldenrod danced in the afternoon breeze. Bending low, I stopped to admire the tiny ray of hope in the middle of the desolate, almost-winter world. There is always beauty woven into barrenness. Somehow, that…