10 Affirmations for Spiritual Growth With God
Do you ever feel frustrated because your spiritual growth seems slow? Maybe you want a closer relationship with God, but the busyness of your life makes this feel unattainable. If so, you are in good company. When this happens, speaking affirmations for spiritual growth can be helpful. A few days ago, the first ivory snowflakes fell onto the lawn, and I considered the shifting seasons. I asked myself, Did I accomplish what I hoped for in this past season? How are my relationships with others? How is my relationship with God? As the snow fell silently, I couldn’t help but feel like I’d failed to reach some of my goals.…
How to Stop Living on Autopilot: 3 Ways
The multiflora rose bushes are exploding with white blossoms when it hits me: I’m living on autopilot again. I claim I want greater joy in my life, but my decisions don’t cultivate the joy I crave. If you want to learn how to stop living on autopilot, you are in the right place. Today, we’ll talk about practical ways to slow down, be mindful, and live with purpose. How to Stop Living on Autopilot Most of us know all about autopilot. We push through our days with no margin time to notice the beauty and thousands of stressors streaming through our minds. How do we stop living on autopilot and…